Category: 10-piece Brass
Duration: 22' 00"
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Price: £32.75
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NOW WITH PLAYBACK! - and percussion!
Abridged to approximately half the length of the original (which was not ashamed of repetition) this version of Rimsky's colourful masterpiece contains all the themes and most of the action, and it’s a challenge to spot what’s missing. It doesn’t have to be played in its entirety: any movement is a complete entertainment in itself.
The composer's original percussion parts are now incorporated into the score. They call for a lot of players but not all are strictly necessary. If you have previously purchased this arrangement and would like a free upgrade, please ask. If not, but you would like a set of percussion parts to peruse and work out how you might use them, please ask.
As to the playback, this is a tough work for the computer to perform too, but at least now there is something to listen to if you wish to get a flavour of it.