Merritts Hill Music

Merritts Hill Music

8 Russian Folk Songs Op.58

A. Lyadov

Category: Wind Band  > 

Duration: 12' 00"

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Price: £60.00

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Лядов - 8 русских народных песен для духового оркестра

(Lyadov is also spelled Liadov or Liadow - no confusion in Russian: Лядов)


1. Духовный стих - Religious Chant

2. Коляда-Маляда - Advent Carol

3. Протяжная - Melancholy Song

4. Шуточная - "Я с комариком плясала" - "I Danced With A Gnat"

5. Былина о птицах - Legend of the Birds

6. Колыбельная - Lullaby

7. Плясовая - Round Dance

8. Хоровод - Village Dance

Numbers 1 and 3 are omitted from the audio but the scores can be seen in full. If you would care to hear them, please ask.

The noisiest numbers using the full band are 2, 5 and 8 if you want to fill just five minutes.